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There is Art in BoCA

The deep connection between life and art unites people together in a way that goes beyond “art for the sake of art”. The biennial BoCA explores a series of cultural institutions acknowledging how transparent and attached society and art really are.

The story behind the Biennial of Contemporary Arts starts where art begins, being as artistic as it is political and social. Its website was a key channel to convey both the main message and the programme for the several performances that comprised the first edition.

This venture was developed as part of our ongoing work with SOLOS, a Lisbon-based agency that partners with us since 2014.

Highly stimulating as it was, our biggest challenge with BoCA was to translate the solid concept behind the brand into a meaningful user experience on the website, while aligning it with the strong imagery developed by Helmo. We opted to create the website’s interface in black and white, leaving colour elements to showcase the artists work solely.



The mobile experience was designed having in mind today’s needs and habits. The ongoing task of developing a mobile experience which was able to facilitate the access to all performances was our top priority. Navigation and a quick search bar allowed the user to search through the artists and different events as well as several interviews. The main objective was to provide a simpler, efficient way to communicate what’s behind the brand and what makes BoCA such a fundamental provocative tool of society.


The desktop experience was built with the same premise in mind, using a grid system to organise the calendar of the biennial. Inside the page for every performance, the focus was put in showcasing the artists’ seminal work.

During the hiatus until the next edition, BoCA continues organising a series of workshops and a Summer School, using the website as one of their main channels for communication.